I purchased a pollywog for my grandson from a childrens catalog. Pollywog is now a frog. I have two questions: 1- in the spring I would like to turn this frog loose but am afraid I will be introducing an invasive species. Also, I don't want to hurt the frog. 2- I have been feeding live worm pieces which he seems to thik are delectable, at least until now, Now, I can't get him to eat at all. is he hybernating? There is some action from him but not much. Thanks, Pat

Updated On January 29th, 2020

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Answered By Angel Alvarado, LVT

Licensed Veterinary Technician

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Releasing it would not be recommended and in some locations, may be illegal. You can continue to feed nightcrawlers in addition to commercial frog pellets, brine shrimp, blood worms and small insect prey (nothing wild caught). Frogs are very sensitive to water quality and environmental parameters. Low temps can affect activity and appetite in amphibians and reptiles as can poor water quality. If you can provide the species of frog or an image, we can provide more comprehensive advice.

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