Good evening.. I have a question about my puppies breed .. She suppose to be a border collie.. I’ve ordered them from a breeder abroad my country because it could’ve be found here,anyway.. I have brout a couple male and female and they are now about 5 months old .. the male is a typical border collie but i’m not sure about the female her leg are too short (compared to th other one) and to the other dogs. she look like the dutchshund breed with long tummy.. and short hair ( the brown one)
Updated On February 1st, 2020
Pet's info: Dog | Border Collie | Male | 4 months and 30 days old
Answered By Linda G, MS, DVM 183
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Hello. I would agree that the female does not have the typical confirmation of a border collie. This may indicate a possible congenital problem, a type of dwarfism, but most likely there were two fathers for this litter. Because of the way a female dog ovulates, you could have two different males inseminate a single pregnancy. The only other option is the breeder intentionally duped you. Thanks for using PetCoach.
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