My beautiful puppy got brave and managed to climb out of my car window while the car was in motion :( . I've been to various vets and took x-rays luckily he has no broke bones however he is knuckling and has no feeling in his paw, the vet said he possibly has trauma and if it doesn't get better it might get amputated. Is this true ? Is there no way I can prevent this ?
Updated On February 13th, 2020
Pet's info: Dog | Chow Chow | Male | 3 months and 2 days old
Answered By Dr. Elizabeth 118
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I agree with your veterinarian that the trauma could have caused nerve damage. Paws that don;t have the ability to move can be prone to injury and then amputation is needed. Nerve repair is slow. If you want to be as proactive as possible, I recommend to look into physical therapy for Scooby. A physical therapist will set up a multi-model plan that can consist of laser therapy, acupuncture and movement. I hope this helps and I hope Scooby recovers quickly.
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