I rescued this abandoned cat, after some kids abused her. She had one swollen eye, was walking in circles, pupils of different size, I know these are the symptoms of brain trauma. After 3-4 days of feeding and care, her condition has improved. Will she live? What else should I do? Will she ever be normal again? I'm a little inexperienced when it comes to cats.

Updated On February 15th, 2020

Pet's info: Cat | Mixed Breed | Female

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Answered By Amy S. Eutsey, DVM


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Poor little thing. The appearance of the abnormal eye is concerning. There may have been enough trauma to the eye to have caused glaucoma which can be very painful and should be addressed. In many cases, mild head trauma signs will slowly resolve and the fact that she is already showing improvement is a great sign. It is still best to have her checked out, have the eye evaluated and also begin her kitten preventive care requirements suck as deworming and vaccines. Thank you for helping her!

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