My cat vet gave 2 oxytocin to my cat after he gave first oxytocin around 2 pm after given the oxytocin my cat water broke out at 4 pm and then he gave second oxytocin around 7 pm after second oxytocin she start to panting and breathing heavily and now its 11:30 pm and there’s no sign of kittens?
Updated On February 15th, 2020
Pet's info: Cat | Persian | Female | unspayed
Answered By Dr. Strydom, DVM 105
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It sounds like this cat needs a c-section. Cats rarely have issues giving birth so there is definitely a problem. More oxytocin is not likely to help. I suggest you call the vet back and take her for surgery. If the vet is not available just keep the cat in a calm, quiet area until you can get to the vet in the morning.
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