Hi, my beagle pup got red eyes for a very long time. There is a red layer below the eyelid and it sometimes covers most of the eye. Please it will be really helpful if any clarification can be given on this.

Updated On February 16th, 2020

Pet's info: Dog | Beagle | Male | unneutered | 3 months and 29 days old | 10 lbs

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Answered By Amy S. Eutsey, DVM


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That is a very good looking puppy! It can be quite normal for some breeds,including beagles, to have a little bit of droopiness in the lower eyelids. This allows you to visualize their third eyelid, which is the bright pink membrane that you see in the photos. Your pet’s eyes appear normal. Signs of a problem would include squinting, rubbing the eyes as if they are itchy, or a discharge. As Your puppy grows, the droopiness gets less and less. Thank you for your question.

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