My Great Pyrenees was neutered yesterday. He got gave Carprofen for pain & Trazadone if needed. I can’t find the Carprofen. I had them both in my pocket. I’ve scoured the house, yard & car. Will he be ok w/o pain meds? My vet is closed on Wed so I can’t call until tomorrow. I gave him Trazadone to at least help him sleep. I have to somehow clean his bottom too because he pooped on himself before the anesthesia wore off. It’s in all his hair & he obvi doesn’t like being messed with back there
Updated On February 19th, 2020
Pet's info: Dog | Great Pyrenees | Male | neutered | 1 year and 9 months old | 126 lbs
Answered By Vanessa Yeager DVM MPH 182
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Some dogs do fine without pain meds but others really need it. If your vet did prescribe the pain medication, then they want Apollo to take it for a reason. I would be sure to phone your vet first thing tomorrow to ask for a refill. Pain is a common occurance after any surgical procedure. You can use a little mild soap and water or baby wipe to help gently clean off his fur.
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