Hi I just bought fishes and most of them died. They probably died due to the tank was in the process of being cycled. I had 9 fishes and only have 2 fishes left which are femal bettas. I Have one betta that was doing fine but then weeks later she has only one pectoral fin and is sitting on top of the water it moves only if the other betta bothers it. The fins look like it has black sticks. She still has her tail fins. She is probably dead by the time I get back from work. If not what can I do

Updated On February 24th, 2020

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Answered By Dr. Elizabeth


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I recommend to start with having the water tested. Many times this is offered by the pet store. If all the fish have passed away, the culprit is most often poor water quality, a disease or the tank not being properly maintained for the species of fish. I do not recommend to get more fish until you know the water conditions are correct and that you know the environment (temperature...etc) is appropriate for the species of fish you want to have. I hope this helps.

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