My four-year-old neutered male cat has developed a sudden problem. As a kitten he was very affectionate, but grew more aloof as he got older. Now he is certainly affectionate again. His tail puffs out when he’s getting stroked and then comes the most obnoxious foul smell from his anus. He’s squirting and I don’t know why this has started. I’m at a loss of what to do as it’s absolutely gross. I can’t keep washing everything in my house when he does this. Its getting so I won’t pet him. Help!

Updated On February 24th, 2020

Pet's info: Cat | Mixed Breed | Male | neutered | 4 years and 1 month old | 17 lbs

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Answered By Amy S. Eutsey, DVM


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Hello. It sounds as if your pet is repeatedly expressing his anal sacs. If this occurs frequently, I would recommend that you have your veterinarian check to see if they are overly full and need manually expressed. Some pets do require assistance with this. Thank you for using Petcoach

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