My cat experienced a major change in behavior about a year ago. She can no longer jump on anything and she continuously circles to the right until she falls down. We took her to the vet who diagnosed a brain tumor as well as blindness. We are considering euthanasia but we don't want to kill a somewhat healthy cat. She also meows very loudly. Money is an issue so we can't afford to bring her to the vet a lot. The question is are brain tumors painful? How can we tell if she is in pain?
Updated On February 28th, 2020
Pet's info: Cat | Mixed Breed | Female | spayed | 15 years and 6 months old | 8 lbs
Answered By Claudia Fioravanti 23
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Hi, I am sorry to hear that Lola is going through all this at the moment. I think your vet is right in suspecting a brain tumour affecting her cerebellum (part of the brain). I think I would consider euthanasia as it must be distressing for her to go through these episodes of circling and falling down. We can’t say if for example she is suffering with headaches as well, we wouldn’t be able to tell but surely to circle continuosly must be distressing. Hope this helps.
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