Hi. I got my puppy spayed today. She’s got a bandage around her neck and a plastic collar however I feel like it’s too tight for her and she doesn’t look comfortable and starts choking sometimes. Is it okay to remove the bandage and leave the cone only? I also got her another cone but I’m not sure if I can change it or should leave the plastic one?

Updated On February 28th, 2020

Pet's info: Dog | Pomeranian | Female | unspayed

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Answered By Claudia Fioravanti


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Hi, if you are able to pass two fingers between the bandage and the neck, the bandage is lose enough. If you remove the bandage completely or make it too lose Lily will be able to take the cone off and then she might lick her wound. I would recommend to loosen it slightly f you are unable to pass two fingers between the neck and the bandage. You could change the plastic collar to an inflatable one, I would recommend to do it tomorrow morning so that you have any issues you can always pop Lily into your vet and get help placing the collar back ! She looks quite cheeky and smart ! Hope this helps !

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