My 12 ye old female Kitter is all stuffed up sneezing many times in a row i cannon afford the vet. I purchased Some children’s cherry flavored Benadryl and the y gave me a plastic syringe. I rescued her 2 years ago do I have no knowledge of her history. She weighs 9 lbs. what do think ? Should I give her some? And how much? I feel I should underdose her if I give it to her

Updated On February 28th, 2020

Pet's info: Cat | Russian White | Female | spayed | 9 lbs

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Answered By Dr. Melanie, BVSc MS


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No, do not give this to Kitter. She has to see a vet. If paying for a vet is an issue, you can see if your vet accepts payment plans, if there is a low cost clinic in your area, or you can apply for Care Credit online. There is also an organization called Red Rover that give grants for treatment of sick animals, and you can see if you qualify for one of their grants. Best Friends also has a list of resources that offer financial assistance on their website. I'd also see if you can borrow money from family and friends.

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