I gave my dog some steak that I thought was still good but he appears to have food poisoning. I gave it to him yesterday morning. He started having diarrhea late last night and has had vomiting since late last night. The diarrhea is the more significant symptom. He does not appear to have pain or bloating. I have given him imodium and Zofran but only the Zofran has worked. He has had plenty of water and has increased thirst. His 5 PM feeding came up about 11 and he re-ingested it. Help!

Updated On March 1st, 2020

Pet's info: Dog | Mixed Breed Medium (23 - 60lb) | Male | neutered | 55 lbs

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Answered By Claudia Fioravanti


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Hi, I think you have already done everything possible to help him at home. I would recommend to have him checked over to make sure he has not developed pancreatitis because he might need more intensive treatment with intravenous fluids, antisickness medications, pain relief etc.

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