Hello, I got a pit/lab puppy that was supposed to be 7 weeks but is super small. He eats and drinks fine, he plays and sleeps ALOT. I have a vet appointment Wednesday. Because I’m unaware of exactly how old he is, I have been giving him puppy milk replacement. I am concerned about his gums. Do these look okay? If this isn’t okay please let me know what I should change until I get him to the vet Wednesday.
Updated On March 2nd, 2020
Pet's info: Dog | Mixed Breed | Male | unneutered
Answered By Amy S. Eutsey, DVM 74
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Hello. Yes, these guns look normal. He has dark pigmentation which is normal for him, but you can see that he does not look anemic as a nice pinkness is still evident. If he is having difficulty eating dry puppy food, you can soak it in the milk replacer until you get an accurate age at your vet appointment.
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