we have a four month old female beagle mix puppy. She weighs about thirty pounds now. Yesterday she was excited to see one of my son-in-laws and jumped up on him. (something we're trying to break). When she landed back on the floor she yelped and started to favor her right rear leg. She seems better today but we wanted any advice from a professional.
Updated On March 2nd, 2020
Pet's info: Dog | Mixed Breed | Female | spayed | 4 months and 7 days old | 30 lbs
Answered By Angel Alvarado, LVT 44
Licensed Veterinary Technician
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She may have landed wrong and "tweaked" her hip, knee, hock (ankle) or even a toe. As long as she is improving, you can monitor her at home. Restrict exercise to just leash walks for elimination (yes, tricky for a Beagle pup!). Avoid or prevent excessive running, jumping or rough play. Monitor for swelling, bruising or increasing lameness. See your veterinarian if necessary.
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