Baby guinea pig 3 months old.. I haven’t seen her drink from bottle and it’s got me nervous.. I give her carrots as well as hay and oxbow baby food, she lives with an adult 3 year old pig I think they still learning who’s the alpha but I just want make sure I keep her hydrated, they sleep in the same igloo so they getting along and I separate the adult from her so she can eat, the adult might be territorial so I separate for food time

Updated On March 7th, 2020

Pet's info: Small Animal | Guinea Pig | Female | unspayed | 1 month and 22 days old

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Answered By Todd Cecil


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Thanks for reaching out about Genesis and including a photo. You need to monitor urine production. You can also perform a skin turgor test by gently pinching the skin and seeing if the skin is elastic (shrinks back down). If stays raised, possibly dehydrated. Make sure both eat a good quality timothy hay, as needed to for proper dental wearing. Also guinea pigs have a requirement for vitamin C in the diet, and the pellets are probably not enough. Good luck.

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