I have give a half cetrizine tablet to my 3.2 kg puppy for sleeping..this tablet is given by a vet ..can i use this tablet on my puppy for sleeping at nights..

Updated On March 11th, 2020

Pet's info: Dog | Labrador Retriever | Female | 1 month and 22 days old

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Answered By Destini R. Holloway, DVM


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There is no age limit for Cetrizine in dogs; however, it is given based on the weight of your pet so please ask your vet what the appropriate dose would be for Pepper. You can use it on puppies. However, it doesn't have much drowsy effects, so it may not work as well as you are hoping for the puppy. I would instead try to exercise your pup during the day or right before bedtime to tire her out. : ) Best of luck with your puppy Pepper moving forward. Take care.

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