We recently got our kitten spayed and we were told to keep her in a small controlled environment like a bath room, and we are wondering if we have to keep her there for the two weeks it would take to heal or if we can let her roam around the house sooner?

Updated On March 12th, 2020

Pet's info: Cat | American Shorthair | Female | spayed | 5 months and 7 days old | 6.2 lbs

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Answered By Vanessa Yeager DVM MPH


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I would recommend keeping her confined for at least the first 72 hours but it may need to be longer depending on how energetic she is. Making sure she stays quiet and is not allowed to jump up and down on furniture is paramount for at least the first week after surgery. Keeping a cone on her so she doesn't get at her stitches is important too. I'd recommend keeping a cone on her until she gets her stitches out.

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