My dog woke me up to go out and when she came back in, the right side of her muzzle is swollen, she keeps scratching, is taking huge drinks, keeps coughing every few minutes and is restless. My mom and I gave her half of a 25 mg Benadryl. It’s early in the morning and we’re unsure what to do.
Updated On March 15th, 2020
Pet's info: Dog | Pomeranian | Female | spayed | 12 lbs
Answered By Amy S. Eutsey, DVM 74
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Hello. It does sound like a possible allergic reaction. According to her size, you gave her the correct amount of Benadryl. It can take 15-30 minutes to see improvement. If she is not less swollen or is worse after 1 hour, you can repeat the dose or see a veterinarian for help. Sometimes a little cool water with a washcloth can help soothe her restlessness. Thank you for using Petcoach
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