My 4 month old puppy has a really thin soft collar around her neck and she still shuts down when wearing it. Basically she won't even move and just stares. Is there a good method to help her forget the collar?(similar picture attached). When i remove the collar she goes back to playing. Is there something more i should besides leaving it on her or should I get a trainer?

Updated On March 23rd, 2020

Pet's info: Dog | Mixed Breed Small (up to 22lb) | Female | unspayed | 4 months and 14 days old | 12 lbs

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Answered By Sara Farmer, DVM


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While I always think a trainer is a good idea, I think you might be able to get Piper used to the collar by putting it on her at meal time or when she is playing with a favorite toy. Use it for short periods of time multiple times a day and take it off is she seems very upset. She’ll figure it out with time.

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