Hello. Just yesterday, I applied frontline flea medication to the back of my bunnies neck after reading you can use the same flea medicine as dogs then you would for bunnies.. I applied it to the back of her neck but then IMMEDIATELY washed it off after reading it was toxic, like 3 mins later fast. Within that time, she was scratchi ng her neck with her foot and I think she licked her foot to clean herself. I really hope she’s going to be okay .. just exactly how poisonous is frontline ?

Updated On March 31st, 2020

Pet's info: Small Animal | Rabbit | Female | spayed | 1 year and 2 months old

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Answered By Claudia Fioravanti


Hi, I understand your concerns and hope that Mitzy will not develope any symptoms. Fibronil is readily absorbed by mouth and symptoms can be :
Seizures – these can develop within 24hours or as late as 20 days. Most rabbits that go on to develop fits will do so within 3 or 4 days.
Anorexia – a loss of appetite in any rabbit should always be treated urgently, so be observant and ask appropriate questions
Lethargy – look out for unusual behaviour
Other signs include…

Hypothermia – always check a rabbit’s core temperature
Tremors – look for subtle abnormal movements
Ileus – gut stasis is a high risk complication
Hypersalivation – you may notice this in a few cases. Most don’t.
What treatment is available?
Bathing – if you are lucky to know that a rabbit has been inadvertently dosed with fipronil, bathing with warm water and liquid soap is beneficial. Plenty of washing, and then dry immediately. Take extreme care not to cause hypothermia. Unfortunately, unless you are able to remove the toxic application in the first 48 hours, then bathing is of little use.
Activated charcoal – it may be worth considering dosing a rabbit with activated charcoal to reduce the risk of further absorption of the product.
Benzodiazepines – midazolam or diazepam can be used is cases of tremor and seizure.
Fluids – supportive intravenous fluids is recommended.
What’s the prognosis?
If seizures have developed, then the prognosis is guarded. The outlook is also poor if symptoms have not been controlled within 3 days.

hope this helps !

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