We are buying a puppy. We went to see him today and noticed a little lump just under his eye. The lady we are buying him from said he would be visiting the vet next week about it. Is this something that should stop us from putting down a deposit for him? He is a mix breed (Dad: Dash&Pug Mum:Yorkie), 4 weeks old and due to be collected after 8 weeks.
Updated On April 13th, 2020
Pet's info: Dog | Mixed Breed Small (up to 22lb) | Male | unneutered
Answered By Tomasz Wnuk 28
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I would wait until the puppy is fully examined by a vet. It is hard to say what the lump is at this stage. It could be local hair follicle infection and that will go away after a few days of treatment with ointment. However, it may be a small cyst that is rubbing the eye. In that case, the puppy will need a surgery to remove the lump, which could be tricky to do and also pricey.
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