My 10 month old labrador ate a dead rat, slightly smelling already, about 9 hours back. I am in New Delhi a Covid 19 affected city. The dog is and active as of now. I wanted to ascertain 1. What care should I take for secondary poisoning 2. Is there any possibility of the dog carrying any infection to us as he is living with us in a flat 3. Can the dog be carrier of Covid 19 by chance

Updated On April 15th, 2020

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Answered By Tomasz Wnuk


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Hello, here you have the answers: 1. If your dog is not showing any abnormal signs, is not vomiting, having diarrhea, tremors etc, you just need to monitor him for the next 24hrs. If he is ok by tomorrow, he will not have any poisoning from eating the rat. 2. No, dogs do not transmit any serious infections to humans (rabies is the only serious infection that can be transmitted from dogs). 3. No, dogs do not go down with Covid-19, they don't transmit the disease either.

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