Hello, my puppy is a 2-month-old golden retriever he fell and now his front paw seems out of place and it twitches its only been a day but he seems healthy and he can move and run and it doesn’t hurt him either , what shall i do? and is it serious??!

Updated On April 15th, 2020

Pet's info: Dog | Golden Retriever | Male | unneutered | 2 months old | 6 lbs

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Answered By Vanessa Yeager DVM MPH


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Hi and thanks for posting. A fall can cause bone or ligament injuries. He may have endured a sprain or muscle pull or could be more serious such as a fracture or luxation. I would recommend Simba be evaluated by his veterinarian soon for a hands on exam to determine what is going on here with the paws. He may need x-rays to determine the extent of the injury.

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