BEHAVIOR & TRAININGSHARE Hello Doc, today morning, I was teaching my cat how to sit and mistakenly she bit me, she’s 2 and half months now, Balinese breed, We could not give her vaccine because of locked down for COVID-19. I also bleed, I have attached a photo, please let me know if it’s serious or not. Another que, she’s with me since two week of her age, for her age is it urgent to get her vaccine?

Updated On April 16th, 2020

Pet's info: Cat | Balinese | Female | 2 months and 1 day old

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Answered By Tomasz Wnuk


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Hello, If your Mushi is an indoor cat only, she does not go out at all and she does not have any contact with other cats, her vaccination can be delayed until your vet is open again. Regarding your wound from her bite, you will have to consult it with your GP, on PetCoach we provide veterinary advice only.

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