My cats hasn’t been eating going on forth day. Today she started licking can food but not eating it. She is clearly hungry. She isn’t touching the hard food. She tried a treat today but broke it down into three pieces which she never does. Been sleeping a lot and staying alone on couch. She gets excited about the food but won’t eat it. Not sure if it teeth issues or stomach or something else. She doesn’t have a vet and hasn’t been in yrs bc of the stress it causes her. What can or should I do?

Updated On April 16th, 2020

Pet's info: Cat | American Longhair | Female | spayed | 13 years and 11 months old

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Answered By Tomasz Wnuk


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If your TiTi is hungry but she won't eat her food, most likely it is because of mouth problem. It could be, for example infected teeth, broken tooth, gingivitis, mass on the gums or on the tongue. Please, take TiTi to your local vets for full clinical examination. If she does have mouth problem, your vet will likely advise dental work under general anaesthesia or/and antibiotics and pain relief treatment.

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