hi. my kitten seems like tired soon. after running for 3-4 minutes he sticks out his tonque and and breaths like a dog. it is normal? or could it be because of my smoking ? of course the windows is open for fresh air.

Updated On April 19th, 2020

Pet's info: Cat | Scottish Fold Longhair | Male | neutered | 5 months and 17 days old

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Answered By Sabina Snyder, Specialty Surgery Technician

Veterinary Technician

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Respiratory issues in kittens can be quite serious and I would definitely have a vet see your kitten. Smoking around your kitten can also be very damaging and it would be ideal if you smoked outside. Many animals develop lung cancer when they have owners who smoke and this unfortunately isn't widely known. This issue probably has more to do with an underlying condition and I would have your kitten seen ASAP. I hope Fuji feels better soon!

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