Now basically my tortoise is a two year old tortoise and basically today at around three I stepped on her by accident. She is fine though. I can find no soft spots or cracks and there are no other visual marks. After wards she just got up and went on exploring the garden, and she has since, eaten and drank and has fallen asleep. So I think she is fine but I just wanted a professional view. Thank you.
Updated On April 21st, 2020
Pet's info: Reptile | Tortoise
Answered By Emi Knafo, DVM, DACZM 206
Veterinarian, Board-Certified Zoological Medicine Specialist
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Hello, I’m sorry to hear Heidie was stepped on! The good news is that it sounds like she didn’t suffer any obvious ill effects. From what you described, and from the photos included here it appears she doesn’t have any evident trauma. However, please continue to monitor her attitude, appetite, and activity. If you note any changes that concern you (lethargy, decreased appetite, any signs of bleeding or lameness), then please contact your primary veterinarian and have Heidie examined.
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