I took home a rescue kitten last week that’s 4 weeks old, I just heard his brother passed from kidney disease and was wondering if I should be taking mine to the vet, and if not what symptoms I should keep my eye out for? Thanks

Updated On April 21st, 2020

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Answered By Sabina Snyder, Specialty Surgery Technician

Veterinary Technician

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Hello. Thank you for your question. I can understand your concern. It is possible that the issue was genetic so It would not hurt to have your kitten tested for any deficits. It could also be completely unrelated. The sibling could have had issues from birth that none of the other kittens had, or it could have injested something toxic. Symptoms to look for would be increased or severly decreased water consumption, lethargy, weight loss, decreased appetite, and bad breath. Your veterinarian will be able to run blood tests that will show if there is any decreased kidney function. I hope everything turns out ok! If you have any further questions you can always contact me directly through the consultaions option.

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