I need help with someone explaining my dogs recent lab results. Does this indicate he has Addison's Disease. And can my dog have Secondary Hypertension due to the Addison's triggering it? I have videos of my dog having weird episodes which coincides with Hypertension but my vet keeps disregarding the videos. Is there a way to show you on here.

Updated On April 23rd, 2020

Pet's info: Dog | Siberian Husky | Male | neutered | 110 lbs

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Answered By Amy S. Eutsey, DVM


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Hello. These results are not indicative of Addison’s disease, but in order to diagnose that you are missing a diagnostic test. The definitive test for Addison’s is an ACTH Stimulation test, not a Dex Suppression test. The general chemistry panel does not support Addison’s as the Na/K ratio is normal. Typically, dogs with Addison’s have low Na, high K and a ratio less than 27. Your pet has a ratio of 30. I’m wondering what your pet’s clinical signs are. Typically, they are bouts of GI distress with vomiting, diarrhea accompanied by profound lethargy and some weakness. Heart effects can be seen but they are typically weak pulses or possible arrhythmia due to the electrolyte imbalances. If you and your veterinarian feel that Addison’s is a possibility, an abdominal ultrasound to evaluate the Adrenal glands is also helpful....but an ACTH Stim test is needed. Thank you

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