Having friend groom my foster yorkie. I have been sheltering in place since March and concerned about contact from outside. I am going to shampoo dog, groomer is just going to give dog a serious cut. I plan to reshampoo dog with some antibacterial dog shampoo when she finishes. Are there any other precautions I should take. Dog and groomer will be in garage for the service. Safe distance will be maintainefd

Updated On April 24th, 2020

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Answered By Jessica Keay, DVM


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Thank you for your question. There is no evidence of pets being able to transfer the virus to human via pets becoming infected themselves or via acting as a fomite (meaning the virus gets on their fur and then you pet them and catch it, you can read more at https://www.avma.org/sites/default/files/2020-03/covid-19-faq-pet-owners_031520.pdf). The virus lives better on solid smooth surfaces like doorknobs, and doesn't stay well on softer porous surfaces like fur. I think your plan sounds like a good one. You could also ask your friend to wear a mask while grooming the dog and wash her hands prior to seeing him, which should decrease chances of possible from her being passed to your pup via respiratory droplets. If your dog will also be wearing a collar while she sees him, you could also wipe down the collar with disinfecting wipes. Best of luck during these difficult times!

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