His blood work came ok and normal and vet not able to diagnose he is also blinking his eyes if we bring some object near to his left eye but I don’t know what this is exactly in his left eye as shown in attach photo I am worried because when I read about this on Internet it’s written this is cancer so may I know the survival rate with this disease ? Note he has this thing in his eye since childhood in his left eyes May I know lifespan with this cancer

Updated On April 24th, 2020

Pet's info: Dog | German Shepherd | Male | unneutered | 4 years and 5 months old

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Answered By Andrea M. Brodie, DVM


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If your dog has had this from birth and if it has not grown, then it is likely not cancer. The only way to find out whether this is a malignant ocular melanoma is to consult with a veterinary eye specialist. This could be a benign ocular melanocytoma, or just melanistic spot in the anterior eye. But if it has been growing , it very well could be malignant. Cure of the malignant kind would be enucleation (taking the eye out) and hope it has not spread to surrounding tissue. However such tumors rarely metastasize

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