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2401 Questions

My budgie has 6 babies in the nest box. One baby who was 7 days old died today morning. Why did this happen? Please help ASAP. Thanks.

There are many reasons why one of the babies might have passed including inappropriate development, malnutrition or Infectious disease. In case of the latter, you should clean the nest box with a dilute antiseptic solution and get the remaining babies (and mom and dad) to the veterinarian in case they too are ill and need treatment.

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I bought two finches.Later i felt that they are both males so I bought two female finches,one died.Now my problem is I provided them a nest two of the finches,which i earlier thought to be males,enter the nest leaving the other female finch outside.The female finch's beak is lighter than the other two finches that enter the cage.What should i Do?should i buy another male/female finch and provide another nesting?i am posting photos of the two finches that enter the cage.Are they pair or same type

When zebra finches are all white it is sometimes hard to tell if they are male or female as they won't have the characteristic cheek markings, beak coloration or tail patterns. The two pictured look like they could possibly both be female, but it is hard to tell due to the distance from the camera and the lack of markings present (males will sometimes still have darker cheek areas, a stripe on the cheek, or a darker red beak). Males will also sing almost constantly that sounds quite different than regular chirping, and will also "tail waggle" when they are wanting to/attempting to mate with a female. If none of your birds are doing this, it is possible they are all female. Both males and females will show interest in nests and will go in them to sleep at night even if they aren't raising babies. If one is being left out, you can add in another nest or sleeping area to see if it helps.

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How can I get my 4 month old quaker parrot to stop biting?

Parrots, especially juveniles, explore everything with their beaks. A stern ":no" or "no bite" each time may work. Return her to her cage or cage top area if she continues to nip. Allow her to settle down before handling again. Praise and reward her for good behavior. Be patient and be consistent.

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My older Amazon parrot keeps falling off his perch and experiences some kind of seizure or foot drop for about 10 min. Just started about a month ago. Has happened twice in the last 2 days. He is at least in his 40's or older. He has graying feathers, and what appears to be a cataract or previous eye injury. I rescued him about 5 years ago. Our vet only works M-Th 8-4 and does not treat birds or reptiles.

I would be concerned that something serious is going on with your bird. Weakness and seizure activity can be a sign of progressive liver disease. Ideally you should find an avian veterinarian in your area that can help diagnose what is going on with Tequila. The vet will most likely recommend lab work and possibly X-rays. I’m sorry we can’t be of more help. Thanks for using Boop by Petco. Best of luck.

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My budgie is 8 and has developed cysts above the eyes. Like little tumors.

Poor Smokey! Those look pretty red and inflamed, so I'd recommend bringing him to a vet to have it examined. Infections on the skin itself, an abscess (infection under the skin), cysts, tumors, parasites and more may all be possible causes, so having it looked at, especially if it's growing in size or bothersome, is best.

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How to know that if a parrot is ready to mate

Usually what you will see is behavior changes. Female ringnecks that are ready for breeding will crouch and tilt their heads back to entice males caged near them. When the male is introduced, even interested females can decide to chase the male around the cage and torment him for a short period of time. If the female does not calm down, try moving the pair to a cage neither of them has been in before. This would be neutral territory. Male birds are often injured during attempts of mating. Females are very aggressive toward their mates and can seriously injure them. It is best to supervise them at all times. Have you provided her with a nesting box? Females reach sexual maturity fairly early in life and can be bred as early as 1 year of age. However, this is not recommended. It is best to wait until they are at least 2 years old. I feel that will lessen the probability of egg-binding. Hope this helps. Best wishes.

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How to make baby budgie handfeeding formula at home? Please help ASAP. Thanks.

...without first speaking to a veterinarian since hand feeding babies can be tricky and possibly even lethal if you are not doing it correctly. If you cannot find a commercial formula, try the following recipe: -3 tablespoons of high protien baby cereal -1 1/2 tablespoons of wheat germ -1 1/2 tablespoons of millet meal -1 1/2 tablespoons of sunflower meal -5 drops of a multivitamin for birds. Blend all ingredients to a fine powder and then mix with warm water to a soupy consistency.

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What are the symptoms of loose motion in budgie? My budgies even babies have watery poop. Sometimes the feces and urates both are missing, and it's just clear water.

Clear water without feces and urate could be a sign of diarrhea but it's more likely to be a sign that they are not eating. if it's just occasional it's not a big issue, but if it is most of the time then it's definitely abnormal and needs to be checked by an avian vet specialist ASAP.

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My bird parakeet name Julia laid a egg about 1 month ago but in the floor of the cage and never kept it warm, she's been fluft up with her feather for 2 days and I don't know if she is laying an egg or she is sick pleace help me. Thank you

I am sorry to hear about your concern for Julia. She is a pretty parakeet! If she is sitting on the floor of her cage for long periods puffed up this is concerning. Any time a bird is having its feathers puffed up for long periods of time this can be a sign of illness. While birds who are laying eggs will go down to the floor of the cage if they don't have a nest box area they wouldn't normally stay on the floor of the cage for long periods each day. I would be concerned your bird could be egg-bound, meaning she could have an egg that she is having trouble laying. You may be able to tell this if you bird is handleable and you can flip her over to look at her vent/cloaca area. You may see a swelling here or palpate a large firmness in the area if she is egg bound. If you feel this, I would recommend getting her to a vet right away, or if she is continuing to spend long periods of time on the floor and puffed up, she should see the vet to check for other signs of illness.

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