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Hello so my almost 4 month old bird is losing feathers. Since a week I have been noticing this. Everyday he sheds atleast five to six feathers or maybe more. So I don’t know if this is him moulting or is it’s actually a Heath issue. Like besides this he just seems pretty active and vocal.

If he is not actively pulling out the feathers I would not be worried. It may just be a normal molt for his age. You could always get a feather supplement to help him along like this one from Nekton:

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My alexandrine parrot is having some black marks on head and even feathers are turning black. Even the red mark on the body is disappearing. Kindly give me assistance for the same.

Thanks for reaching out. Diet can have an affect on pigments of the plumage. An only seed diet lack multiple vitamins, minerals and nutrients, and is a poor diet. A wide variety of vegetables and avian pellets should provide an adequate diet. If continued to be concerned, a veterinary visit is recommended to assess and provide a physical examination. Good luck.

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Is it normal for birds to bite their feet and nails? If there's a problem how can I help it at home.? (It's winter at my place fyi in case it happens due to dryness)

Thanks for reaching out about Tweety. It really depends on if there is damaging being done. Grooming is normal, but if chewing to the point of wounds or bleeding, then a veterinary visit is needed. The feet and legs can be cleaned with warm water and a gentle soap. Good luck.

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My parrot is lossing his feathers tremendously moveover his colour is becoming pale and ends of feathers are getting brown.what should be the routine followed?

I think you need to put him on a feathering vitamin like this one. It seems Amazon does not have it in stock but maybe you can find it elsewhere?

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Hi my budgie rio has watery poop and also it's clear

All bird droppings are made up of three parts: Feces, the solid, central part which can vary in color depending on the food the bird eats. Urates, the next layer of the ring, which can be cloudy-clear or with shades of white, yellows and greens, again depending on the foods eaten. Urine is the clear liquid, usually outer layer of the ring. Depending on the amount of fruits and fluids the bird eats/drinks, this can be a significant part of the dropping. Diarrhea is often actually Polyuria. True diarrhea is when the feces part of the droppings are not well formed and liquidy. Diarrhea is usually caused by a disease. Polyuria is when there’s more than usual amounts of the urine and urates (the feces are still well formed). Polyuria may be caused by viral infections, allergies to foods or even a tumor somewhere. There are just so many possible causes that a vet visit is essential in order to catch things early.

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I've a bird that's call has slightly gone hoarse. Could there be other reasons aside from illness to cause the change?

Seeds, seed husks, other food particles or dust can get stuck in the syrinx (voicebox)and affect his "voice". Have him examined by your vet if he doesn't improve, becomes lethargic or stops eating.

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Hi, I was eating a chips ahoy chocolate chip cookie and gave my friends bird about a third of it. Will the bird be ok????

Chocolate is a highly palatable food. Some of us know that all too well. Unfortunately, many birds seem to love chocolate almost as much as people. Chocolate is not bad for birds just because it is high in calories and fat though, it contains a compound called theobromine. Theobromine is toxic to dogs and cats as well, but birds, again due to their smaller size and more rapid metabolism, may be even more susceptible to its toxic effects. Generally, the sweeter the chocolate (more sugar), the less theobromine present (milk chocolate contains about 1-2 mg of theobromine per gram, dark unsweetened chocolate may contain as much as 15-16 mg per gram). Despite this, no chocolate should be given to birds. Signs of chocolate toxicity include: hyperactivity, vomiting, diarrhea, heart arrhythmias, seizures, dark colored droppings and death. If you notice any of these signs take Polly to the veterinarian immediately.

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My dog just ate a dead bird or caught and ate the whole bird should I be concerned?

A dead bird could cause gastrointestinal upset like vomiting or diarrhea and I suppose there’s a chance that the bones could cause an obstruction. There are some parasites like coccidia that could be transmitted, but honestly I feel like most dogs are fine after ingesting carcasses. I would recommend monitoring him for vomiting and diarrhea and contacting your veterinarian if noted.

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My dog just ate a birds egg on the group and I was too late to take it out of her mouth. Will she be okay?

She will probably be fine, worst case scenario she will vomit once or twice and might have some diarrhea later.

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