Hello .I bought this bird.I don't know what kind of bird it is.The seller said i have to feed meat.Is this bird male or female? Is it dangerous bird?What should i feed the bird?Can i keep the bird as a pet?or should i release in wild? How should i care it ?please help
Hello, and thanks for your question. That's a raptor - a bird of prey. It is a carnivore (meat eater), and should absolutely NOT be kept as a pet. It's a wild animal, and many raptors are protected by law. I recommend touching base with your local university and/or veterinary hospital. They should be able to connect you with a local ornithologist (bird expert) or wildlife rehabilitator, who will best be able to care for this bird. Without knowing more about the bird and being able to examine it, I cannot guide you further. Male and female raptors often look very similar, so I can't tell you which it is from these photos. I suspect it's a juvenile (young bird) since it's not immediately flying away from you - so it may not yet be able to live on its own if you were to simply release it, depending on how long it's been captive. I encourage you to do the right thing for this beautiful wild animal, and make sure it finds its way into the hands of someone who is knowledgeable in the area of raptor care. I hope this helps! All the best to you!
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