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2401 Questions

My african grey parrot has grown pink feathers on her body. I attach photos. Is this normal ?

This problem is quite rare indeed. There are two different causes. Genetic: there could be a genetic base for it, so no need to be worried about it as it is completely normal. Such birds are often referred to as " Kings "or "King Greys". This type of Greys are quite rare indeed. Feather disease: it could be indication of damaged feather follicles and medication ( antibiotics at the time a bird is molting) can sometimes re-establish normal color. The third cause could be general sickness, malnutrition or over-supplementation, or liver disease or kidney problems. As you can see there are many different causes possible. So the approach should start from a physical examination at your local vet and feather testing to determine any abnormality. Please do not hesitate to contact us again on the forum or by requesting a consultation if you have any more questions or to discuss it any further.

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my budgie laid 6 eggs and they haven't hatched it's been 26 days and I candled them I am sure they are not fertilized. Do I just throw them away and remove the nest box.

Incubation in budgies is about 18 days from the day the hen begins sitting on The eggs. You are probably correct in saying the eggs are infertile. If there is no male present, they are definitely infertile. Wait until Coco loses interest, then remove and discard the eggs. This will prevent her from laying "replacement" eggs. Remove the nest box afterwards.

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Hello what do i do when my budgie is lying low with his eyes closed and weak body?

Hi and thank you for your question, This is not normal and may be serious. I recommend that you take Green to the vet ASAP. At home all you can do is keep her in a warm place, offer a bit of sugar-water to the beak and hope she gets better. Regards

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What can I give to my parrot when he is suffering from diarrhea for instant energy.

Offer half a grape. It will provide quick energy and a bit of hydration. Follow with some unflavored PediaLyte to maintain hydration. To get him to eat, offer soft foods, warm foods, treats, etc. Scrambled egg, pasta or cooked rice are popular choices. It is critical to diagnose and treat the cause of the diarrhea. This may require an exam with your veterinarian or an experienced avian vet. Submit a stool sample to diagnose intestinal parasites or bacterial overgrowth.

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My dog ate a baby bird. 2 days later and she's been vomiting, lethargic, and has diarrhea. Her temp is 99.5. What should I do? Can I wait it out?

It sounds like Nola has gotten ill from eating the baby bird. It could be that baby bird has gotten stuck in her GI tract, or she has picked up a bacterial infection from the baby bird. She doesn't have a fever (normal temperature for a dog is 101.5-102,5), but she does sound quite ill. Given the fact she has been vomiting, having diarrhea, and has been lethargic for two days, I would not wait it out. It sounds like to me from your description that she needs to see a vet immediately. She might need a shot to stop her from vomiting, IV fluids if she is dehydrated, and x-rays to see if the bird has gotten stuck in her GI tract. If it's a bacterial infection, she would benefit from antibiotics. I recommend taking her into your vet now.

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Hello so my two parakeets (budgies) are sitting at the corner of the cage huddled together with their head tucked into their backs and whenever they are active they just climb up the sides of the cage or try to fly on a perch but drop to the bottom.

Thanks for reaching out about your parakeets. It appears as if they are either weak or scared and hiding. With both being ill at the same time, any possibility of inhaled toxins, smoke, perfumes, near the kitchen? If scared, can they be moved to a quieter area, removed from other pets (dogs, cats). If ill, a veterinary visit is recommended. Good luck.

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Why has my budgie suddenly started breathing with his mouth open and bobbing his tail and making creaky sounds when breathing?

Respiratory distress can be caused by a number of things including stress, overheating, or even an underlying illness. If something stressed Romeo out, moving him to a quiet room where he can calm down is a good first step. Making sure he isn't too hot or too cold and the room is well-ventilated, along with providing a bath can also help if he is too warm or overheating. If he continues to be in distress with open-mouthed breathing and doesn't settle down, or you see other signs of illness, seeking veterinary care ASAP is best.

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My female budgies are pecking holes in each other's eggs (or they are pecking holes in their own eggs). One of my budgies had been sitting on her eggs for about a week and a half and I think the latest female that I bought removed her eggs and took over the box, the eggs are broken and we only see orange yolk in them. The breeding boxes are all screwed into the aviary at the same height, there's enough for every female too. I can't see why they would do this to their/each other's eggs.

If the aviary is too small to handle multiple breeding pairs it may be that they are competing for nesting space, even if there are multiple nests. One nest may be seen as "ideal" and thus everyone is fighting over it. Usually, birds are separated into individual breeding groups per cage to avoid competition and ruining of eggs, as well as reduce overall stress for the breeding pair.

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How much time take for hatching eggs of yellow blood parrot fish after laid eggs ? And Anti fungus medicine prevent fungus to eggs if I dropped in tanks Aquadene gill fungus parasite special medicine ?

The fry should emerge within 4 days of egg laying. Any egg that turns white or cloudy is infertile and should be removed (if it isn't eaten first). Methylene blue can be used safely to keep eggs free of fungus.

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