My female budgies are pecking holes in each other's eggs (or they are pecking holes in their own eggs). One of my budgies had been sitting on her eggs for about a week and a half and I think the latest female that I bought removed her eggs and took over the box, the eggs are broken and we only see orange yolk in them. The breeding boxes are all screwed into the aviary at the same height, there's enough for every female too. I can't see why they would do this to their/each other's eggs.
Updated On October 2nd, 2018
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Answered By Jessica Desrosiers 40
Veterinary Technician
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If the aviary is too small to handle multiple breeding pairs it may be that they are competing for nesting space, even if there are multiple nests. One nest may be seen as "ideal" and thus everyone is fighting over it. Usually, birds are separated into individual breeding groups per cage to avoid competition and ruining of eggs, as well as reduce overall stress for the breeding pair.
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