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2401 Questions

My dog killed a bird and was eating it can she get sick

Hello and thank you for your question. If you were in an exam room setting, I would ask you questions such as “ is this the first bird that cookie has ever killed?” but I am going to go on the assumption that it is and will answer the question accordingly. Dogs are carnivores and their gastrointestinal tract can handle the eating of dead animals. With this in mind, however, she could get sick from eating a dead bird but it is not very common at all. The best advice I can give is to immediately take the bird away from her first. Then simply provide her with her regular food and plenty of water for the next 24 hours and simply wait and watch. If she continues to eat, drink, urinate, and defecate normally, then there should be no problem at all. But if she is acting sluggish, not eating or drinking, and has no interest in playing, within the next 24 hours, please take her to your veterinarian to make have a full physical examination performed. I hope this helps and hope that you have a great day.

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My budgie bird sometimes breathes with his mouth open. There is nothing wrong with him. everything seems to be normal. he had this problem since he was a baby. Is it normal???

Thanks for reaching out about Coco. If he has been doing this for 3 years (since a baby), it is probably normal for him. But would not consider it normal. Open mouth breathing is often an indication of a respiratory problem, whether infection, organ enlargement (liver, spleen), or other concern. If persists or worsens, a veterinary visit is recommended. Good luck.

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My male budgie peck on the female when she is sitting on the pearch and she screams and they fight. Is it normal or can I take some measures to stop this

Thanks for reaching out about Bird. Not all birds get along. Maybe the male wants to breed and the female doesn't. There should be adequate perches and hiding areas, to get away, to lessen stress. Good luck.

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What do I do when my cockatiel is losing feathers around his ear

Thanks for reaching out about Andrew and including photos. An irritation to the ear (infection, inflammation, other) can illicit excessive scratching and feather loss. A veterinary visit is recommended to assess and provide a diagnostic/treatment plan. Review diet as vitamin A deficiencies can lead to dermatological conditions. Good luck.

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Is Tradescantia (wandering jew) toxic to birds? Please and thank you in advance. Jude

Thanks for reaching out about Dolly. This plant is not on any of the toxic plant lists found, but any item can be toxic if given in excess (including water). Monitor for appetite. If concerned, a veterinary visit is recommended. Good luck.

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Can my budgie survive only on seeds? He don't eat veggies and fruits.

He can survive but an all seed diet is not good for them. They get fatty liver and some other nutritional problems. Just keep trying to give him other foods. If you offer him less seeds he may start to get more interested in other foods. Try fruits like melon, kiwi, apples, pears, oranges, and grapes. Leafy greens like kale, spinach, parsley and cabbage. Other vegetables he might enjoy include carrots and celery.

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My budgie who i got around three months ago has been sitting with his head i between his wings all day. He's never done this before and I'm quite worried because it's the middle of the day and he usually doesn't sleep much during the day.

Many bird problems can relate to their environment and nutrition. I would ensure you are feeding an adequate diet for parakeets and providing good environmental stimulation with mirrors and lots of toys. If he does not improve, there may be a nutritional deficiency or he may be sick. I would get him in to be seen by an exotic veterinarian to ensure nothing systemic is going on as it would be better to catch this early on than to wait too long and it be too late.

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My budgie is violently bobbing her head and throwing up liquid & seeds. I tried feeding her millet but as soon as she tried to swallow? She threw up. I cannot take her to the vet currently. What do i do?

Based on the behavior you are describing I am concerned that Alif may have something stuck in her throat/mouth that is causing her discomfort and making her not want to eat. She may also be regurgitating in an attempt to dislodge whatever is stuck. However, this behavior could also be a seizure type behavior. It is hard to say without actually seeing what Alif is doing. You need to get her in to a vet as soon as possible. Until then, continue to offer her plenty of fresh water and her favorite foods to encourage eating. You may also try to gently massage her throat area and see if that helps. Best of luck.

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Why does my bird grab the two Corners of it cage and flip himself until he on its back and start using it legs to drag himself with the wall next to him

He may simply be playing and having fun. If he is doing it all the time, he may be stressed or bored. Try rearranging the perches and switching old toys for new ones to freshen up his environment. Spend more time with him outside of the cage if possible. When he exhibits the behavior distract him with toys or treats then reward and praise him when he responds to you.

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