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2401 Questions

My parakeet is vibrating or his heart is beating to fast

Parakeets heart beat is extremely fast and it is normal. vibration could be due to shivering, this could happen if your bird is either cold or in pain. if you are concerned about it i would recommend having him checked by an avian vet specialist.

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why do my parakeets keep pooping in their water dish? long does it take for their eggs to hatch?

Birds are naturally messy by nature and will poop in food and water dishes if not appropriately covered or protected. Switching to a dish that limits how much water is available at once (to avoid all of it becoming contaminated) or adding in a bath that the birds can bathe in (and will probably poop in) in addition to their water can help keep it cleaner. Parakeet eggs take about 17-20 days to hatch if properly incubated. They will also change from a translucent to a more opaque white as they mature.

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Something strange white dots on my bird's wing and tail with some rough feathers this a disease or a natural act?

Dust or flecks could indicate something such as excess dander from dry skin (all birds have some dander), or even the presence of mites or other external parasites. Letting Mithu take a bath or misting him with water to encourage preening, and using a mite spray may help to resolve this issue, as well as ensuring he's on a balanced diet to keep his skin and feathers healthy. If the flecks remain even after home care, or you notice any other issues in addition, having a vet take a look in person is always best.

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My budgie is fluffed up and sleepy. Please suggest me anything. There is no vet near me. I want your help

Make sure the ambient temperature is appropriate for your bird, not too hot and not too cold. I would also recommend you offer Jerry plenty of fresh food and water to keep him eating and well hydrated. Fluffing up and lethargy are signs of illness so your bird may be getting sick. As long as he is drinking/eating normally and passing normal droppings you should not need to worry. I hope this helps. Thanks for using Boop by Petco. Best of luck.

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My birds is pooping red

This is probably due to bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract, this can be caused by various reasons (bacterial, fungal, parasites, toxicity), you must take Angel to an avian vet ASAP in order to get it treated.

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Is a bird feeder detrimental to the health of wild birds?

Hello. No, I do not think so. The biggest concern about birdfeeders is how they attract predators including sparrow hawks & cats. Some folks claim we are turning wild birds into seed junkies & this is very bad for their livers ( I am always telling my clients to get their caged budgies & cockatiels off of an all seed diet ). But most wild birds do supplement their diets & do migrate after fueling up on the energy filling seeds. Bad seed ( moldy ) can kill birds with aflatoxin. And the spilled seed can attract vermin which can carry disease. Some folks recommend only feeding during the cold weather to help migratory birds & to only buy the best & freshest seed you can. Cost matters, so stay away from the crappy dollar store bags of bird seed. Thanks for using Boop by Petco.

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Hi I have a parakeet who has been scratching his butt with his feet a lot it appears to be a little dirty down there but his poop seems fine just wondering what this could be

It could be that some stool is getting stuck, or that there is something causing irritation. Cleaning the area with a washcloth and checking for any wounds, redness, parasites, etc can alert you to any issues. Making sure Flint is on a balanced diet and isn't getting too many extra snacks can also help keep his stools passing with ease. If he continues to scratch or seems uncomfortable, a vet visit to rule out anything more serious is also a good idea.

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My bird (cockatiel) has 1 eye open and 1 eye close. Should I be concerned?

Hello, Keeping an eye closed is often a sign of pain, so I do believe you should be concerned. I would recommend taking Rio to your vet as soon as possible to have the eye examined and find the reason he is either holding his eye shut or unable to open it. In cockatiels, I would be most concerned about a possible upper respiratory infection causing eye inflammation, a sinus infection, or trauma to the eye from playing or flying. Once your vet determines what the cause of the problem is, they can recommend the best course of treatment. I hope this is helpful! Thanks for using Boop by Petco!

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My pair of parrot chichlid are doing unusual thing they are holding each others mouth just like kissing each other after some time my pair of angel fish also started doing the same what's going on (they are just doing like lip lock) what's going on and also they are trying to hold each others back body at the same time..?????????

Cichlids will "lip wrestle" as part of their mating ritual or when acting aggressively. This is normal as long as you have breeding pairs. If they are males, consider separating them or increasing the size of the tank to prevent injury.

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