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27392 Questions

Can cats eat pistachios?

Pistachios are not considered poisonous to cats; however, like all nuts, they do contain fats which can cause gastrointestinal upset in your cat. Also, many nuts are heavily salted which is not good for our pets. Finally, pistachios and their shells can be a choking or intestinal obstruction risk.

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I have a cat that just had 2 kittens. She has not eaten the placenta, and the kittens' umbilical cords are still attached to their mother. What do I do?

Ensure the mother has cleaned their noses and nothing is obstructing their breathing. If the mother has not broken the cords you can tie off the cord with some cotton or dental floss sterilized with boiling water. Tie two very tight knots at least one inch from the kittens belly and half inch apart and cut between the two knots with sterilized scissors. She may eat the placentas when she is completely done with the [queening]( (delivery). If she doesn't, you can dispose of them after a few hours.

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Can I Change to Non-Prescription Cat Food for Urinary Problems?

Moisture content or water intake is more important than brand, although you do want to stay away from discount or store brands. Choose a quality canned food since they are 75% or more moisture. If your cat eats dry, soak it in water before feeding. A grain-free diet is best since cats don't "need" carbohydrates. You can also feed a raw diet. There are several commercial diets available. Again, add water if necessary. Always monitor your cat for straining to urinate or bloody urine though and see a vet promptly if you notice either.

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We give our cats (2 of them) wet food every other day but still always keep two bowls of dry food out for them. Our oldest, biggest, and grumpiest cat does not eat her dry food any longer and holds out for wet food. We don't want them only eating wet food expensive and we know dry food is good for their teeth and we buy quality wet and dry cat food because we care about what they eat. I think she's really hungry and grumpier on days we don't give wet food. Solution?

In this type of situation where the pet is holding out for wet food and going on hunger strikes, it is actually more harmful to try and force Gambino to eat the dry food; than to just give her what she wants. Yes dry food does help with the teeth, but so does daily brushing and/or dental treats (Greenies work extremely well for my cats and come in all flavors). The benefits of wet food is far superior in my opinion because it helps keep the kidneys and bladder happy and healthy, which in grand scheme of things is a lot harder to correct once they start to malfunction than periodontal disease. So I would say stick with the wet food, because even though it is more costly at least you are not wasting money on dry food that you will have to toss anyway because she refuses to eat it, and you can't make her because quite frankly she's a cat, but it will lead to an overall healthier cat with potentially fewer medical visits dealing with urinary and/or kidney problems in the future.

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Can you give a worming tablet to a cat in chronic renal failure

Hi and thank you for your question on Boop by Petco! Most deworming medications are generally ok to give to patients with renal disease, but it does depend on the medication being used. If you can provide the name of the medication, I can give you a bit more guidance. Thanks for posting!

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My male cat has to get off of orijen and should only eat a wet food to prevent urinary blockage and promote urinary health. The vet recommended s/d feline but are there other canned wet food brands that are good for preventing urinary issues and crystal that do not have wheat, corn, soy or by products? And what is the daily serving of wet food for a 12 lb cat?

Hello, thank you for using Boop by Petco. Besides Prescription Diet s/d, there are urinary diets manufactured by Royal Canin & Purina. Do not purchase an over the counter urinary diet, as they rarely work well. Unless your Lio has a specific allergy or sensitivity to wheat, corn, soy, or by-products, do not worry about their presence in the food. You should only be concerned about preventing urinary blockages. The normal daily amount to be fed to a 12 pound cat is 6.6 - 9.9 ounces daily. Take care.

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Is it ok to feed my cat anti-hairball dry cat food every day if she's not having hairball problem these days?

Yes, depending on the food. Most of the brands that claim to have efficacy against hairballs have some kind of formulation that has added fiber designed to help hairballs to pass. Some foods are more effective than others at this (stick to Science Diet, Royal Canin, or Purina for over-the-counter non-prescription diets). These are not usually prescription diets and are almost always ok to feed as a maintenance diet to normal, healthy cats.

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My cat has the basis of several nails dark, black, as if they were dirty or with brown blood

This can be a sign of a fungal infection of the nail base. If the nails do not appear normal it could also be a sign of certain autoimmune nail diseases. I would recommend seeing a veterinarian - ringworm is one type of fungus that could cause an infection and the treatment is very different from a yeast fungal infection so your veterinarian may want to run some tests. If there are changes to the nail or paw pads your veterinarian may want to take a sample for biopsy to rule out immune diseases like pemphigus.

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Is it safe to vaccinate a pregnant cat if they have never been vaccinated before?

It is never recommended to vaccinate a pregnant pet. Modified live virus vaccines should never be given. Killed virus vaccines (such as rabies), may be given later in the pregnancy if necessary but only under the advice and guidance of your veterinarian.

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