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27392 Questions

My cat has been pooping by my front door and still pooping in the litter box. I always keep it clean. He also peed on my bed today .

If this is a recent behavior change for Cuddles, the first step would be to have him examined by a vet as soon as you are able to - there are a number of medical problems that can cause accidents outside the litter box, so your vet may recommend basic blood work and other testing to check for any evidence of a problem. If everything comes back normal, then it is likely that the issue is behavioral. Having accidents like this is often a stress or anxiety-related behavior in cats - if there have been any recent changes in the household, such as a new pet or a new baby, a move to a new house, or a guest staying with you, these could all be reasons for him to be pottying in inappropriate places. There may also be something about the litter box that he finds objectionable - he may not like the type of litter provided, or the location of the box. It can sometimes take some detective work to pinpoint the problem in cases like this, so if you're still stumped, I would consider making an appointment with a veterinary behaviorist - he/she can meet your cat in person and do an in-depth evaluation to help diagnose the problem and develop a plan to treat it. In the meantime, you can try a Feliway diffuser in the house or a natural calming supplement such as Composure to see if this helps.

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My cat got peppermint oil in one of his eyes.what do I do?

The best thing to do is rinse the eye as much as possible with artificial tears or saline eye wash. After that, if there is redness or swelling and she is not wanting to keep the eye open then take her to a vet tonight to see if it burned her cornea and created an ulcer. If she is holding it open and it does not seem to bother her, then monitor it for any changes

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My cat has skin problem and hair fall and Ithing..that black spots are pinkish in color first..infection is spreading...I want to know what is it and remedy on it

This is probably due to an allergy, although it could also be infection or mites. First of all, in order to rule out skin parasites, you will need to treat with a high quality flea treatment (advocate or advantage), then ask the vet to perform a skin scrape - this might reveal an infection or a mite infestation. If all of those came back negative, the next step is to treat the allergy symptomatically and try to discover the cause of the allergy. Three main type of allergies are usually affecting pets: food allergies, flea and parasite related ones and environmental type (allergens coming from trees, pollens, dust etc etc). Some medications can be given by the vet in order to repair any possible skin lesions (like steroids and antibiotics). Please do not hesitate to contact us again on the forum or by requesting a consultation if you have any more questions or to discuss it any further.

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My cat just gave birth to one kitten I didn't even know she was pregnant is that normal?

Hi, yes sometimes cats can hide their pregnancy well. She will likely have a few more kittens, although just one is possible as well. Give her a safe quiet space with a box of towels where she can have her kittens. They usually do not need any help with giving birth. After the kittens are weaned, I strongly suggest getting her spayed. Good luck!

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Hello I bought a cat I notice her hair fall a lot Near the ear and above the eyes there is lot of hair loss Please check the photos

I agree that is considerable alopecia. I would take her in to your vet and have her skin tested for a possible Demodexx mites issue. If she is scratching these areas a lot then a fle allergy or atopic dermatitis have to be considered and treated. I hope that you get to the bottom of Brownies hair loss soon. The treatment she needs is entirely dependent on the underlying cause. Best wishes moving forward with her care.

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Hello, I recently adopted a 7 week old kitten who was found orphaned around 4 weeks old. I noticed that while sleeping he breathes pretty quickly and shallowly. There is no noise when he breaths but it is at a rate of about a breath per second. Otherwise seems like a healthy happy kitten. Anything to be worried about with the breathing?

If it's just noticed while sleeping and he isn't breathing hard when awake, then no need to worry at this time. The other thing to watch for is activity. If he had some respiratory problem that was causing him to breath hard, then he also wouldn't be as active. If he is not playing around like a kitten and breathing hard when awake, then I would be concerned and recommend a visit to the vet. I hope that helps and all is well with Dino.

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How often can I use an Albuterol inhaler for a cat?

Generally speaking, for mild symptoms, Albuterol should be given every 12 hours. Severely affected cats can be given Albuterol every 30 minutes as needed if symptoms are severe. These cats should ideally be in a hospital setting if the symptoms are that severe for every 30 minute administration.

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Hi there, Is it possible to give my cats Johnsons 4fleas tablets as well as frontline spot on? The spot on runs out anyway on Saturday but has proven inaffective to this bout of fleas so was wondering if it would be safe to give them a tablet now or wait?

If the active ingredient is Nitenpyram (I am having trouble finding this product online but I believe this is the ingredient) then it is fine to give along with Frontline. If you are having a problem with fleas in your cat you may need a prescription product that works long term from your vet such as Comfortis in addition to treating your home, all other pets, and your yard. You can read more about flea control at Always be sure you are using a product labeled for cats, as some flea products for dogs are toxic to cats.

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My cat has this weird hard, scab like thing on her neck. When I went to investigate, a piece of it came off and it looked a little bloody underneath. The area is about as big as my thumbnail.

With that scab and discharge it is likely infected. To can be from either a scratch or injury that tried to heal wth a scab but the bacteria got trapped underneath to form the infection. You can gentle get the scab off to clean the area with soap and water then apply neosporin twice a day until you can get it checked by a vet for oral medicine

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