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27392 Questions

My kitten has live worms in het poop after i dewormed her for the second time. Is this normal?

This is not uncommon to see. The dewormer works by paralyzing the worms and they are sometimes only partially affected by the drug. The fact that they are coming out shows that it's working to a certain degree; and the worms will likely die soon. No need to worry. Keep up with the deworming schedule as prescribed by your vet and she should be rid of them soon.

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My cat has a swollen lower lip

Hi, thanks for using Boop by Petco! Poor Nyla, she is so cute! There are few possible causes for her swollen lip. Has she been excessively grooming? If she has then the swelling could be from that. Fleas and allergies can cause excessive grooming. Also cats can have this reaction to ceramic food and water bowel. I recommend changing to stainless steal bowls. And the last possibility is allergies in general. Cats are unique (in many ways!) in that they can develop eosinophilic granuloma complexes that can look like that. If Nyla isn't excessively grooming and there aren't any fleas make an appointment with your Vet to see if steroids are warranted to make her more comfortable. Then change her food bowls. A new hypoallergenic diet may also be needed if the swelling returns. I hope this helps and I wish Nyla a speedy recovery!

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Will cat die right away after eating cooked chicken bones?

Hello, unless he chokes on these bones he is not going to die immediately. Fortunately, chicken bones are digested readily due to their hollow make up. However, there is a chance that they may become entrapped in the small intestines and may cause damage to these. Over the next day monitor her for any vomiting, belly pain, or diarrhea. If you note any of these then you should have her evaluated immediately by a veterinarian. Hope this helps and best of luck.

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How long does it usually take a cat to pass a ribbon or a piece of thread? I'm watching my cat carefully because she may have swallowed a piece of thread. How many days till I know she is in the clear?

Normal GI transit time is 3-5 days, so usually you'll see it within a week of ingestion. Ribbons and thread definitely have potential to get stuck and cause damage to the intestines; so if you happen to notice any vomiting, diarrhea, or drastic decrease in activity before these pass, then I recommend taking her to the vet as soon as possible for an evaluation. I hope that helps and all is well with Penny.

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My cat just started having a raspy purr and meow. Should I take her to the vet?

Yes, I would have Sira seen by a vet for these symptoms. She could be suffering from a respiratory infection, which the vet can diagnose and treat. I can give you something to try at home as well that may help with her symptoms. If she's congested, you can also try using a humidifier or bringing her into the bathroom with the door closed while you take a hot shower - the steam and humidity help to break up congestion and temporarily relieve symptoms associated with respiratory infections.

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Is it okay for the dad to be around the kittens? Both my cats are inside cats so I know my boy cat got her pregnant. He hasn't hurt them just tapped one one the head. But for the most part he leaves mama and babies alone. What should I do with him?

Hello and thank you for your question on Boop by Petco! I love the name- Princess Squeak Squeak- very unique! Yes it is okay for the father cat to be around the kittens. If he has left them a lone for the most part, then he will likely continue to leave them be. There is no risk in having the father cat around the kittens unless he has or starts to exhibit aggressive behavior towards them- then you will wan to keep him away. I hope this helps and best wishes to you and your new kittens!

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How much Xanax can I give a 10lbs cat

In cats, the dose is 0.125 to 0.25 mg per cat as needed up to every 12 hours. This medicine should be used only if strictly recommend and/or supervised by a veterinarian. Please do not hesitate to contact us again on the forum or by requesting a consultation if you have any more questions or to discuss it any further.

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My cats ears are warm n nose is dry and warm. Is she sick. She is eating and we are into the season where the heat is on.

A cat's nose being warm and dry isn't used as a sign of illness because their nose can go from wet and cold to warm and dry just by laying in the sun or next to a heat source. Molly's ears being warm could indicate a fever, but if she was laying near the heat, that could also be the cause of it. Given that she is eating, I would monitor her for now. If she stops eating, becomes very lethargic, or develops other signs such as vomiting and diarrhea, then I would be concerned and have her seen by a vet. I hope this helps!

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My cat's rear end smells awfully bad. I have tried to clean it for her, but I didn't seen anything there. Should I be worried?

Cats have two small scent glands on either side of their rectum called anal glands - if these glands have been leaking a little or if she has expressed them recently, you may notice a very strong odor from her rear end. You can try cleaning the area around her rectum with some warm water and soap to help get rid of the smell. If this is a recurring problem, I recommend having her seen by a vet to check for infection or impaction of the glands.

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