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27392 Questions

My cat hasn't been eating and has been severely limping

As your cat hasn't been eating and is limping it is best to schedule a veterinary appointment ASAP. The limp could be caused by a number of things including injury to the leg, such as a break or sprain, wound or infection from a bite or scratch, or muscle or nerve damage. If the limb is hurt severely enough or if infection is present it may make your cat not want to eat. Until you can get to the vet, limit all activity to prevent further injury to the limb, and try to entice eating by warming up some wet food or adding some warmed boiled chicken to your cat's food. However it is necessary to schedule a vet appointment ASAP.

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Two of my cats bridge of their noses are turning black and that is not their natural color

Various types of skin infections will cause a change in color of the skin. These include bacterial and fungal skin infections. I'd recommend having your cats seen by a veterinarian for a proper diagnosis.

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My cat tigger has been sneezing for 2 days now and now his mouth stays open a bit like he's about to sneeze but doesn't and his mouth twitches.

It sounds like Tigger may have an upper respiratory infection - this is a common cause of sneezing in cats, and may also cause them to breathe with an open mouth for short periods because their nose is congested. I would recommend having him examined by a vet when you are able to - he may need antibiotics to treat the infection. You could also try supplementing him with an L-lysine product such as Viralys - these supplements are available over the counter and can help respiratory infections resolve more quickly in cats.

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My cat keeps licking his right front paw and holds it up in the air , he had this last year and was given cream and tablets any idea why this has come

He may have an injury to his paw, his claw may have grown around and into his pad, he may have a recurring soreness due to an old injury. If he will let you, examine his foot and toes for any swelling, overgrown claws, discoloration and/or discharge. If you find anything abnormal, or if he won't allow you to look, get him to see your vet for an exam. Ask why this keeps recurring. If his claws are overgrown, you will need to have them clipped once a month. Your vet can show you how to do this or they can do it for you as needed.

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My cat is bleeding (bright red, watery) less than 48 hours after giving birth. Is it normal? What are the symptoms of retained kittens or placenta?

A small amount of reddish/brown discharge is normal but frank red blood may indicate internal bleeding. Check her gums to make sure she isn't pale - indicating anemia. The blood may indicate postpartum hemorrhage, which is an emergency, and she should be assessed by a veterinarian right away. Retained placenta/kittens would appear as discolored/odorous discharge, fever, and poor doing of the mother. Either way, I would highly recommend she be examined by a vet.

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Hi, my cat seems like he is losing hair on his nose. He's 7 months and has had all his shots. Should I worry?

Yes hair loss on a young cat can be a sign of a mite issue (Demodexx mites in particular). Unless there is some nose rubbing or irritation of the skin to explain the hairloss, this is an unusual location for a mite infestation to start up. I would recommend monitoring the hair loss for the next couple of days to a week to see if the hair loss continues to spread. If it dose then this would highly suggest mites and I would recommend taking him in to your vet for a skin scrape to look for mite infestation. If they are there (demodexx mites are not contagious), then your cat can be started on treatment to get the mite population back down to normal. Demodexx mites are found on every pets skin, however, a low immunity in some pets causes overpopulation and hair loss which can lead to secondary bacterial infections of the skin if not treated.

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My kitten is acting and playing normal but his butt is swollen and part of it is sticking out. What 's the cause and what can I do

Swelling of the anus/rectum could be due to constipation/hard stools, anal gland issues, allergies, irritation, or other problems. You would need to have the area looked at by your vet to determine what is going on and get the appropriate treatment. Be sure to let your vet known of any other issues you may have seen such as changes in appetite, energy levels, stool habits, etc. You can also use an Elizabethan (cone) collar to prevent your cat from licking/chewing at the affected area if it is bothersome until you can get to your vet.

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Cats breath smells very bad. He won't eat or drink anything. Is weak and can barley walk.

Poor cat. He is very young to have so many health concerns. Your kitty's symptoms are almost indicative of "shock" symptoms and this is very concerning. Based on the severity of your cats condition I am highly recommending you take him to your vet asap for some blood tests, physical exam and medical intervention at this point to help stabilize him. I am suspicious of a congenital kidney defect here if the breathe is acidotic. I hope that you get him the care he needs soon and that he can recover from this. Best wishes!

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Why would my 10 week old male kitten being licking my adult males privates?

The kitten is likely still missing its mommy. Kittens normally stay with their mother until 10 to 12 weeks of age, but, unfortunately, humans take them away long before that. So your male's penis is the closest thing to a nipple to get comfort from (suckling is not just for milk but also for comfort).

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