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My puppy has 2 green boils on his head and one small one on his tummy. what is this?

I am sorry to hear about Kanin. The spots on his belly are most likely what we call "puppy pyoderma", or a bacterial infection of the skin we commonly see in puppies. With the lesions on the face I would be concerned this could potentially be puppy strangles, which is an immune mediated disease. You can read more about it at . I would recommend making an appointment as soon as possible for Kanin to get examined to determine if this could be strangles or another condition. If Kanin is very weak/lethargic then I would take him to the emergency vet because if the condition progresses it can become life threatening (if it is indeed strangles and not just a skin infection). Best of luck to you and Kanin.

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my dog is 60 days pregnant and her temperature has changed from 99.6 down to 99.1 and back to 100 what does that mean? this is her second litter and the puppies are moving ALOT in her belly.

A pregnant dog's temperature will often dip down up to 48 hours before going into labor. It usually drops to 98-99, then will go back up to normal (100-102). I would watch Tobie for any other signs of labor. If she hasn't had any puppies in 48 hours, it may be best to have her examined by the vet.

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Hello, I just found this on my dog's head and I don't know if it's just a scab or a tick bite. I would appreciate your help. Thank you in advance!!

Hi there. Thank you for using Boop by Petco. It is definitely a scab but from what, I don't know. This could be from trauma, an insect bite (like a tick) or the start of a skin infection. Unfortunately there is no way to tell for sure. I wouldn't be overly worried at this stage. Personally, if Buffy were my dog, I would just leave it alone and monitor it. But, if you want to do something at home, you can apply a thin layer of an antibiotic ointment over it twice a day. If it doesn't heal or it looks worse at any stage then get him to your vet for an exam. Hope this helps. Best wishes!

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My dog has flat brown mole like patches on his testicles is this normal?

Hello, Ralphs' skin patches are likely a variance of normal skin pigmentation that dogs may develop are they grow. I would only be concerned about these changes if they become raised or nodular, if they are painful, or if they have any discharge. Otherwise, you may continue to monitor the area intermittently for any of the changes described above. Hope this helps and best of luck.

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My puppy belly is big and hard he did peed 2 times and poop ones idk if that’s ok

It could be that Kilo has intestinal worms. Those are common in puppies and can lead to a big stomach. If he isn't up to date on his deworming treatments, I recommend getting him one. Panacur is a good brand, and it's a three day course of treatment. You will need to give him another course of treatment two weeks after the first ends to kill all the worms. Then one every month until he is six months of age, and after that he should be dewormed once every three months. Best of luck, I hope this helps.

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My dog ate a bottle of magnesium pills (146 400mg ea.) and the preservative container. He’s 80lbs

The amount ingested calculates out to about 1600mg/kg. This is a potentially toxic dose. Ideally, Cooper should be examined by your veterinarian or at the nearest veterinary ER. Either can induce vomiting via injection since the ingestion occurred less than 2 hours ago. Activated charcoal may be given afterwards to further reduce absorption. Excess magnesium may cause gastrointestinal upset, depression or negative cardiac or nervous system effects. You can also contact the Pet Poison Helpline. There will be a fee for the call. They will work with you and your veterinarian to help Cooper through this episode. Their number is 855-764-7661.

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What should i do if my dog ate a long piece of rope from my mop

I would recommend feeding canned pumpkin and bread to Maggie to help pass the string through. If you notice that she is vomiting, lethargic or not eating then I would get her in to be seen by a veterinarian and have x-rays taken to help determine if the rope is causing an intestinal obstruction. I hope this helps guide you in the right direction. Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns and I would be more than happy to help you further.

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So about 2 months ago we noticed this skin tag on my dog’s lip (vet has seen it & says skin tag). My question, do you agree? Do skin tags grow at all (slowly... slightly... or no? What should I expect?) is the lip a commonplace to see them? Thanks

I agree that it looks like a skin tag. Around the mouth is a common place to see them, and they usually do grow a little bit, but not usually very much. I think it is most likely a benign skin tag but the only way to know for sure would be to remove it and send it out for biopsy. If it changes dramatically then I would recommend this. Best of luck and thank you for using Pet Coach.

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My dog has a lump by his dew claw, is it serious or something to worry about? Does anyone know what is is?

Hello. In all honesty, all lumps & bumps should be investigated. I can not say with any certainty whether this is a benign or malignant tumor, a cyst or an infection. It really needs a hands on examination, possibly with a small biopsy called a fine needle aspirate, to determine its make-up. If this does need to be removed, the best time to do so is while it is relatively small. I do recommend having this looked at soon. Thanks for using Boop by Petco.

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