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Our dog has something crusty on ear flap that looks a bit like oatmeal. I thought it was a scab at first but it’s grown in past few days. Could it be mites? What’s the remedy?

Thank you for contacting Boop by Petco with your question about Lucy. That doesn't look like mites, but it could be a skin infection. Given that it's growing, I'd have her seen by a vet. The vet can diagnose what is causing it, and can treat it. I hope this helps.

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My dogs tooth just fell out. It was due to tooth decay and disease. I couldn't yet afford a dental cleaning as she is a special dog with aa luxation and missing dens. I did have some OTC antiseptic gel I placed in the area right away. What are the risks of the missing tooth? Will she need antibiotics? There is no bleeding.

There is no specific risk a part from possible (but unlikely) infection. A course of antibiotic would be beneficial anyway to decrease oral bacterial contamination. Hope this answer was helpful, but please do not hesitate to contact us again on the forum or by requesting a consultation if you have any more questions or to discuss it any further. Please find the time to give us a feedback about the consultation as that will be used to improve our service.

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Good evening! My dog has been licking her dew claw for a few days. She won’t let me touch it; but she walks fine, and it doesn’t appear to be swollen or bleeding. Will this heal on its own? I’ve attached a photo of the tender claw as well as a photo of her healthy claw for comparison. Thank you!

Thanks for using Boop by Petco! This will likely heal on its own if you are able to keep her from licking at it. You can try using an e-collar to prevent further self trauma. Good luck and have a good night!

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Hi I accidentally put a drop of ear cleaner in my dogs and I immediately flushed his eye out with some eye drops.

Rinse Sam's eye with cool water as well. Monitor it for redness, swelling, discharge, or pain. He would show pain by keeping his eye closed as much as possible and/or rubbing at his eye. If you see any of those signs, have him seen by a vet. Best of luck.

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Which is best to promote skin healing in dogs: Bepanthen Plus (dexpanthenol + chlorhexidine) or OmniMatrix (zinc oxide + herb extracts)? Thanks!

Thanks for using Boop by Petco! In general bepanthem would be better but this depends on the reason you are using it. If it is a fairly superficial wound it would be ok to use. However, if it is deep or there is exposed tissue, this would not be appropriate. Best of luck!

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A few days ago I noticed some red bumps on my dog where her spay incision was. It’s been about 11 months now since she was spayed. They are red and kind of hard but don’t seem to be causing her pain. What is this and does it warrant a trip to the vet?

The vet most likely used a suture material for the spay that takes a very long time to dissolve (like PDS) and she is having a reaction to that suture material that is still left there. I would not be worried about this unless it abscesses and opens. For now, just monitor it.

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My dog just drank about 1/16 cup of castor oil... WHAT DO I DO?!?!

That is a small amount of oil, and while Percy should be ok, I would keep an eye on him to be safe. Oil is a fat, and too much fat can cause pancreatitis in dogs. Symptoms of pancreatitis include abdominal pain, vomiting, lethargy, and anorexia. If you see any of those signs, rush him into a vet immediately because pancreatitis is very serious. Best of luck.

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So, my dog Bailey just ate the stem of a medium sized pumpkin. Are there any concerns?

Pumpkins aren't toxic. If she swallowed a large piece of the stem it could possibly cause an intestinal obstruction, so watch her closely over the next few days for anything abnormal, including lethargy, decreased appetite, vomiting or diarrhea. If see anything odd, she should get checked out by a vet.

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I have an un-neutered male dog who balls look red and swollen. He is drinking and eating fine also playing with his human and other dog brother. Should I worry?

This could be caused by a local inflammation and possibly an infection. Persistent licking and rubbing can worsen the inflammation. A check up, appropriate disinfection and possibly anti-inflammatory ointment are needed to solve the problem. At home, some zinc oxide ointment/cream (like sudocream) can be apply twice daily. Buster collar may be useful as well to avoid any licking (if any). Hope this answer was helpful, but please do not hesitate to contact us again on the forum or by requesting a consultation if you have any more questions or to discuss it any further. If this answer was helpful please let us know, this will be used to improve our service!

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