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61166 Questions

Dog fell off couch when sleeping and hurt her leg. She can put most of her weight on it but she’s limping a lot. Did not cry or wimp. I don’t feel or see any deformities

Poor Raven. I recommend resting her for the next 48 hours. No running, jumping, or playing. Take her out to toilet on a leash, and bring her right back in when she's done. If she still appears painful after this time, then I would take her into the vet for an exam. The vet can diagnose where the pain is coming from, and can dictate a treatment plan for it. She may also benefit from some pain medications, which the vet can prescribe. Please do not give her any human pain medications, as many are toxic to dogs and can be fatal if given. I hope this helps.

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Hi my dogs already have 2x 5in1 vaccine. Is it required to have 6in1 and 8in1 vaccine? or can I skip it.. I want only 5 in 1 vaccine.. because other vaccine is too expensive.. I just want to know if its fine.thanks

Hi, thanks for using Boop by Petco! The number of vaccines that are needed depends on the dogs age. If your dog is a puppy he needs the vaccine every 3 weeks until he gets TWO past 12 weeks of age. If you started vaccinating him when he was 12 weeks or older he only needs TWO 3 weeks apart. All puppies need it boostered a year later (when they are over 1 year old) then every 3 years. The difference between vaccines is that the 6 in 1 and 8 in 1 both have coronavirus and the 8 in 1 also has 2 serovars for leptospirosis. I do not thin that coronavirus is absolutely necessary and the leptospirosis is needed if your dog is at risk. Dogs can get leptospirosis from free standing water/puddles by drinking the water that could be contaminated with this bacteria from wild animal and rat urine. It causes kidney and liver failure. If your dog hikes, camps and swims then you should give it if the bacteria is present in your country. Otherwise the 5 in 1 is sufficient. I wish you the best!

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After 3 days of dewormer can I cuddle my dogs and allow them on the bed/couch?

Hello, sorry to hear about your pups. You can cuddle your dogs and allow them to hang out with you as long as they are not defecating in unwanted areas. They will typically shed worms and eggs on their feces for up to 5-7 days after deworming. Precautions to take at home include cleaning any feces immediately after they poop and washing your hands immediately after picking up after them. Most common route of infection to humans is through fecal to oral, so by thoroughly washing your hands after cleaning for them, you will reduce your chanced of becoming infected. Hope this helps and best of luck.

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My dog has a large red lump on his leg with a small black dot in the middle. He is acting normal and it doesn’t seem to bither him but I am worried it is something serious.

I am sorry to hear about Rocco. This looks like it could potentially be a tumor that has a small ulceration or wound. We can have tumors that are benign and do not spread/cause other problems, but others are aggressive and should be removed. I would recommend bringing Rocco into the vet for an exam. Your vet may try to get some cells from the tumor to examine under the microscope in order to determine the type/behavior of the growth and determine if it should be surgically removed or if it can just be monitored.

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I have a puppy, hes 25lb and 4 months. Can I give him greenies to chew on?

There isn’t necessarily a minimum age for soft dental chews like Greenies. Some dogs can easily bite off large pieces of Greenies that could cause an obstruction, so you should monitor closely while he’s chewing. They also tend to have quite a few calories so it is not ideal to offer one too frequently.

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My dog butthole appear to be swollen and red. I am not sure what his butthole looked like before because he has recently gotten a hair cut. His butthole is also appears to be leaking some kind of fluid. Is this normal? if not can you tell me what is wrong?

There may be a mild to moderate swelling possibly due to anal glands impaction/inflammation, which may be discharging excess of fluid. A clinical examination at your local veterinarian is essential to confirm these clinical suspicions and treat appropriately. Anal gland expression may be needed. Hope this answer was helpful, but please do not hesitate to contact us again on the forum or by requesting a consultation if you have any more questions or to discuss it any further. If this answer was helpful please let us know, this will be used to improve our service!

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hello my 9 month old puppy wont eat her dry kibble she seems to only want table food she will on eat a few pieces of her kibble wat should i do

The good thing about dogs is that they can go for a few days without eating and they'll just get hungry, whereas it can harm cats to not eat for a few days. It sounds like Ginger is trying to train you instead of the other way around. First of all, no more people food! Until she will eat her own food reliably, giving her people food will only reinforce her efforts. If you leave her kibble out all the time, stop doing that. Figure out how much dry food she should have per day (the label on the bag should give you feeding recommendations) and divide that into however many meals you want to feed her. I usually feed my dogs in the morning and evening. When it's time for her breakfast, put her bowl down and give her 15-20 minutes to eat. Whatever is left at the end of this time gets taken up and put away until the next meal. Don't give her treats unless it is for training rewards. When it's time for her evening meal, put that down and again, give her 15-20 minutes to eat. She may try to make you feel guilty by begging, don't fall for it. Don't feed her any people food and especially don't feed her off the table while you'ree eating. Make sure any family members or other residents in your home are aware of and are participating in the training, otherwise you're wasting your time. After a few days, she'll get the idea that her food it out at specific times and if she wants to eat, that's the time to do it. Good luck!

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Hi. I found a swollen kind of bump on my dogs eyelid. It’s kinda making his eye a little droopy looking and swollen. It almost looked like a cut at first it just looks painful and I want him to be okay. I wanted to know if I should take him to the vet or if it will heal on it’s own? I also wanna know what it is. Thank you.

This appears to be a blocked gland and/or infection of the eyelid. I would have to examine it more in order to tell for sure and it's best to have a vet diagnose it and prescribe the necessary treatment. These usually heal well with treatment, so it will definitely worthwhile to take him to the vet. It's not an emergency, but it's best to have him seen sometime in the next week. For now, you can flush the lesion with normal saline. Saline flush can be bought at the pharmacy, or supermarket in the eye care section. Flush the eye 3-4 times daily and gently wipe away the discharge with a warm/moist cotton or cloth. After flushing, you can hold a warm/moist cloth over the eye for five minutes. Below is a link to a good video that demonstrates how to flush the eye. I hope that helps and Duke gets better soon.

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My dog got spayed last Monday the 19th and her outer incision was glued together. It now seems to be a little red, oozy, and starting to open. Do I need to take her in ASAP or will it still heal okay just need to wait longer?

The wound is definitely a little inflamed, i would recommend a post op check as soon as possible with the operating vet just to double check. A surgical wound would be expected to be almost fully healed by 7-10 days

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