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1488 Questions

Is it normal for a leopard gecko to lick it’s vent “private area” my leopard gecko does it everyday. I thought she has a parasite but she isn’t showing any signs of having it. She has a great appetite, her stool looks normal, her tail is fat, she is alert, she is active and her eyes look good

Occasionally is normal. If it is frequent, it may indicate infection, irritation, parasites or constipation. Submit a stool sample to your veterinarian to definitively diagnose intestinal parasites. Look her over for any unusual redness, swelling or discharge. If you see anything suspicious, have her examined by your vet or an experienced herp vet.

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How much do I feed a baby bearded dragon and how much to an adult

Thanks for reaching out about Buddy. Both babies and adults should always have access to food daily. Baby bearded dragons are predominately carnivorous but make sure the insects are gut loaded with a wide variety of vegetables. Adult bearded dragons should be predominately vegetarians. Both need access to heat support and UVB lighting for optimal growth and health.

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I cannot tell if my baby leapord gecko is a boy or a girl. I need assistance please :)!

i would say that Mobe is a female at first glance. There is no evidence or pre-anal pores or femoral pores. A hemipenile bulge is also not apparent. All these are readily visible in males. It can be difficult to determine sex in a gecko this young though. Wait another couple months and you should be able to determine definitively.

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Hey doctor, I was wondering if my turtle has shell rot. He has been shedding, been eating everytime, and shell seems very hard. I was wondering if the shell has shell rot or it is just nothing?

Thanks for reaching out about Squirt and including photos. This does not appear to be shell rot as is uniform across the entire shell. The recommendation is to keep an eye on it and if appears to be progressing, seek a visit with a veterinarian. Good luck

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I just got a bearded dragon yesterday from Petsmart and he seems pretty healthy but he’s not eating anything. Today he only ate like three crickets and isn’t drinking any water

Check the temps in the cage. Low temps can affect appetite in reptiles. Make sure you are feeding appropriately sized prey. That means no bigger than the space between Gaza's eyes. You may need to find pinhead crickets or freshly molted mealworms. Be sure to gut load all prey for 24 hours prior to offering to maximize nutritional value. You can soak Gaza in a warm 50/50 solution of water and unflavored PediaLyte for 20-30 minutes every couple days to treat or prevent minor dehydration. Being a "new" pet. You should have him/her examined by your veterinarian or a vet experienced in treating reptiles to confirm good health or to diagnose and treat any pre-existing conditions. In the meantime, review dragon care at the link below.

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my leopard geckos tank is at 65% humidity i have an air conditioner and some moisture absorbing desecants next to the tank. will they be alright or will they get skin disease? its very humid where i am right now

i would worry more about respiratory infection and mold or fungal overgrowth Geckos are quite adaptable though and as long as the humidity doesn't seesaw rapidly, they should be fine. You can fill a fishnet bag or cheesecloth with plain white rice and place it in the cage out of reach. The rice will absorb excess moisture. A lump or two of coal will do the same thing. Make sure they can't reach that either.

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Is it okay for leopard geckos to eat black soldier larve or dubia roaches as their staple diets?

Black Soldier Fly larvae are a healthy, nutritious feeder insect for your gecko. High in calcium, low in phosphorus, black soldier fly larvae make a great staple food or treat. Dubia roaches are a healthy protein-rich food for geckos. It is best to have a variety of food for your gecko and not just stick to one type of insect.

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Hello sir I have Indian soft shell turtle the problem is black spot on down side of my turtle and there are no pet doctor in my city please help me I'm also attaching the photos of my turtle

This could be a fungal or bacterial infection. You can try to manage it at home by maintaining pristine water quality via filtration and regular partial water changes. Make sure any filter you have is rated for at least twice the volume of the tank. Remove any uneaten food promptly to prevent it from fouling the water. Use a soft bristled brush and a diluted betadine or chlorhexidine solution to gently scrub the affected areas daily. Keep the turtle out of the water fro an hour or two after each cleaning. If the spots do not begin to resolve within 5-7 days, you may need to seek veterinary attention.

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My albino western hognose snake's vent is swollen on the tail end, pink, has a tiny bit of blood and it smells off.

Thanks for reaching out about Princess and including photos. These swellings appear to be infected scent glands. Try some warm water soaks to soften, remove substrate such as bark or dirt. Provide a soft clean towel as a substrate, to prevent further contamination. A veterinary visit is highly recommended to assess and provide a diagnostic/treatment plan, as this will most likely need systemic antibiotics to treat. Check and correct husbandry as sub-standard environmental temperatures can possible play a part of this disease process. Good luck.

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