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1488 Questions

Hi, I have a male adult Mississippi Map, whose carapace is around 5 inches. We have a 70-gallon tank at home, but we are going on a vacation for three weeks and will leave him in a local pet shop for boarding. The shop only allows a 20-gallon tank. Would it be okay for my turtle to be in a 20-gallon tank for a few weeks?

That would ultimately depend on how clean they intend to keep it and if they plan to feed in the same tank. Small tanks especially for turtles that are notoriously filthy animals can become rife with toxins quickly. They'd have to do water changes extremely frequently for it to be guaranteed safe. If they aren't guaranteeing that, I'd make alternate arrangements.

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My baby red eared slider turtle has some white spots on its shell. What should I do?

Thanks for reaching out about Kelby and including photos. Can you gently scratch the white areas with your fingernail? Is so, probably mineral accumulations from the water and not a problem. If not, this could be keratin erosion from sub-standard water quality, infections, too cold of an environment. A veterinary visit would be recommended. Good luck.

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My dog chewed off the edges of the shell of my turtle and it bleedin what can I do will it died will if fell pain :(

It probably won't die, but it is likely painful. The turtle should be seen by your veterinarian or a vet experienced in treating reptiles for treatment. It will likely need antibiotics and pain medications. Depending on the amount and severity of damage, the shell may need to be repaired. Use a clean cloth and gentle pressure to stop bleeding. If the bleeding won't stop, the turtle will need to be seen tonight at the nearest veterinary ER.

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I have an Indian flapshell turtle and it hasn't eaten anything in three months and it likes burrowing in the soil what should I do?

She is most likely in a state of hibernation. The burrowing in the soil is normal. Not eating for that long is not normal. I suggest you refer to this article about diet, feeding, housing, etc and make sure you are doing everything correctly. Most problems we see with captive turtles is due to incorrect husbandry. ( )

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Hello i have got this turtle for3 days and my turtle is not eating.i feed him turtle food and dry worms but turtle is not eating.What should I do and plz tell me how to take care of it.

Thanks for reaching out about Green and including photos. First, check and correct water quality and temperature. If water or basking site is too cold, appetite is inhibited. Movement will sometimes stimulate a reaction, so a live small worm (mealworm, etc.). If these don't work, a veterinary visit would be recommended.

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My leopard gecko has been licking, scratching and rubbing at his eye for a few days now. It appears to be swollen to the point where he cant shut it fully. He's also stopped eating, and is losing weight.

Thanks for reaching out about Spyro and including photos. A common malady in insectivorous lizards is abnormal shedding and secondary infections around the eyes, usually related to low vitamin A in the diet. Insects need to be varied and gut loaded with green and yellow/orange/red vegetables (a source of vitamin A). A veterinary visit is recommended to assess and provide a diagnostic/treatment plan. An injection of vitamin A, irrigating the eye area withy sterile saline and topical medications can help. If the cornea becomes dry, the eye could be lost. Good luck.

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My turtle shell has some brown spots and some of he corners of his scutes are brown and peeling. His lines on his shell are also brown. He does have a uvb and heat lamp.

The peeling scutes may be normal shedding. Do not attempt to remove them yourself. Maintain pristine water quality. You can use a soft bristled tooth brush and a diluted Betadine solution to gently scrub the shell or affected areas. Allow for a 1 hour dry dock (out of the water) after each cleaning. If the UVB bulb has been in use longer than 6 months, replace it. Make sure it is not blocked by fine mesh, glass or plexiglass. Provide a balanced diet including prey, fresh greens and vegetables and a commercial pelleted diet. Dust food and prey with both a multivitamin and a calcium supplement regularly.

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Is it normal for my red eared slider turtle to rub it's shell against a rock, it also seems to want to dig or push, are those things normal ?

The rubbing is done to aid in shedding scutes. The digging and pushing may also be attempts to aid shedding. Inspect the shell for soft spots, pitting or fungus. Confirm proper environmental conditions (water quality/temp, ambient/basking temps, dry dock, UVB lighting) as well as proper nutrition.

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How can you treat mouth rot in a bearded dragon

Have Anubis examined by an experienced herp veterinarian to confirm the diagnosis. Mouth rot, or infectious stomatitis, typically requires antibiotics. Minor cases can be managed with topical cleaning, usually with diluted Betadine or chlorhexidine solutions, after the area is debrided (cleaned). Serious cases definitely require veterinary attention, antibiotics and supportive care. Increase enclosure temperatures to the upper limit of the normal range for beardies during treatment. A slurry of baby food, vitamins and minerals can be fed. This is easier for the beardie to eat and digest. Fluids can be administered via misting, soaking or subcutaneously​ administered by your vet. Clean and sanitize the enclosure, change bedding frequently and monitor humidity levels. If the infection does not resolve, a sample of tissue should be submitted for pathology, culture and sensitivity.

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