Updated On April 21st, 2017
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Answered By Angel Alvarado, LVT 44
Licensed Veterinary Technician
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Have Anubis examined by an experienced herp veterinarian to confirm the diagnosis. Mouth rot, or infectious stomatitis, typically requires antibiotics. Minor cases can be managed with topical cleaning, usually with diluted Betadine or chlorhexidine solutions, after the area is debrided (cleaned). Serious cases definitely require veterinary attention, antibiotics and supportive care.
Increase enclosure temperatures to the upper limit of the normal range for beardies during treatment. A slurry of baby food, vitamins and minerals can be fed. This is easier for the beardie to eat and digest. Fluids can be administered via misting, soaking or subcutaneously administered by your vet.
Clean and sanitize the enclosure, change bedding frequently and monitor humidity levels.
If the infection does not resolve, a sample of tissue should be submitted for pathology, culture and sensitivity.
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