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1488 Questions

Something is wrong with my leopard gecko, it has these spots on it’s head and some white bumps around its eyelids. What’s wrong with it?

The area in question may be local irritation or infection. Monitor it for resolution or spread. It will likely disappear at the next shedding. If it gets worse or if Peaches develops lethargy or decreased appetite, then have her examined by your veterinarian or a vet experienced in treating reptiles to diagnose injury or infection.

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I recently took in a California kingsnake and I was told it was 6 years old, I’m concerned about it’s weight because her body is rather small then compared to another 6 year old king. What do you think a 6 year old, 2 1/2 ft long snake should weigh? And what should I do to maybe “fatten” her up?

Average adult weight can range between 600 and 800 grams, although an adult can weigh as much as 1500 grams. Have her examined by your veterinarian or a vet experienced in treating reptiles first to confirm good health and weight. If necessary, you can feed her twice weekly until she is at a healthy weight.

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I have a Bearded Dragon. But one of his finger look weird it has no joint area and it’s like stinking out straight instead of how a bearded dragon claw should be. The photos will make more since. Please tell me what’s going on is it broken does it need to be fixed.

This is likely to be either a congenital malformation of the finger joints or an old fracture that repaired abnormally fusing the different phalanxes. A physical examination and an x ray would be necessary to understand exactly what happened. It is unlikely though that any treatment will be needed.

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My turtle has sweelling in its toes. What should i do to reduce that swelling ? Please suggest some home remedy

Thanks for reaching out about Micky. Infections, inflammation or poor husbandry can all be involved. Removing substrate (especially dirt or sand), keep water quality pristine, allow easy haul out to get dry. As a treatment, you can try a shallow Epsom salt soak for the feet but this might reduce swelling but is not a treatment. A veterinary visit is recommended to determine a cause so treatment can be focused. Good luck.

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Hello, I am pretty sure this is mouth rot on my 6 year old Male bearded dragon. What is the best course of treatment?

Thanks for reaching out about Ozzy and including a photo. By the photo, the lesion does not appear serious. Cleaning with a cotton tipped applicator and a mouth cleaning agent like chlorhexidene solution. If the lesion progresses, a veterinary visit is recommended. Good luck.

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I have put my turtle in a tank with completely new water. Will he be ok or will he go into shock.

Thanks for reaching out about Bonnie. Turtles tolerate water changes fairly well as long as not too drastic. Temperature and pH changes are probably the most concerning. Monitor activity and appetite for now. If you notice concerns, see an examination with a reptile veterinarian. Good luck.

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I have a red eared slider. My neighbor gave him to me a couple weeks ago but I do not know where he received the turtle from. The turtle has these things on his shell. I’ve done research and learned that it could just be growth marks, meaning he is being over fed or just shedding. But I also say that it could be fungus, and infection, or shell rot. The area is not soft or peeling. It does not smell nor hurts the turtle when I touch it. The turtle is fine others, receiving the best possible care.

Bobbi looks fine. Pyramiding is not as common in aquatic species as it is in terrestrial species. The wideness of the black lines indicates rapid growth. Ideally, they should be half as wide or even thinner. Continue to provide proper environmental parameters and a balanced diet including animal protein, fresh greens and vegetables and commercial pellets. You can review slider care at the link below.

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My leopard gecko has not been eating enough , she will eat 1 cricket. It’s been a few weeks but now she’s lost a lot of weight in her belly and a bit in her tail. I can’t afford to go to the vet to get her looked at right now. The first picture is her when she was eating well the other is her today.

Check the temperature in the enclosure. Low temps can affect appetite and digestion in reptiles. Soak her in a warm 50/50 solution of water and unflavored PediaLyte to provide warmth and hydration. Confirm appropriately sized prey, no bigger than the space between the eyes. You can offer crickets, dubia roaches, mealworms and phoenix worms. Gut load all prey for 24 hours prior to offering to maximize nutritional value. Submit a stool sample to your veterinarian to diagnose intestinal parasites. If she will allow, look in and around her mouth for any signs of injury or infection. This may include redness, swelling, discharge or bleeding. If you see anything suspicious, have her physically examined by your veterinarian or a vet experienced in treating reptiles to diagnose and treat any underlying causes.

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my leopard geckos pee has been weird recently. i gutload his feeders and he was fine for a while but now the pee had this kind of hard mucus thing and i’m not sure if it’s irate crystals

This stool appears normal to me. The one is a bit light but I would not be overly concerned unless this becomes a recurring issue. ( )

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